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Racial Discrimination in the Workplace

Fight Back With Experienced Employee Rights Lawyers At Baker Law

If you have experienced racial discrimination where you work, you know you need to stand up against it. But you do not need to fight it alone. You fight much more effectively when you have an experienced employee rights lawyer at your side.

Call Baker Law at 503-575-9617 or 866-605-1906 toll free to discuss your options. You can also contact Baker Law online.

With over 40 years of combined experience, attorneys Aaron W. Baker and Serena L. Liss keep focused on workplace justice. They help clients fight a wide range of racial discrimination, including the following:

  • Racial epithets, harassment, inappropriate jokes and offensive comments
  • Being passed over for promotion because of your race
  • Substandard pay due to your race
  • Being treated differently in the workplace, especially in disciplinary matters

Client Concerns

  • Will I receive justice?
  • How will fighting discrimination impact me economically?
  • What can and can’t I do in my current job?
  • Who can I register my complaint with and who can I go to for assistance?

Aaron W. Baker and Serena L. Liss successfully handle racial discrimination cases by carefully analyzing the circumstances of your particular situation. They clearly explain your options, so you can make informed decisions on how to proceed. You may qualify to file an employment law complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), or the Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI), or file a lawsuit in State or Federal court.

How Will You Be Compensated for the Discrimination You Have Suffered?

Depending on your individual circumstances, you may be able to receive a wide range of compensation for illegal workplace discrimination based on race.

  • Replacement of wages lost because of your employer’s failure to promote; also wages lost due to wrongful termination
  • Emotional distress damages due to discrimination or wrongful termination
  • Punitive damages may also be assessed against employers of extreme race discrimination.

If you’ve been discriminated against, call now to discuss your options. Call 503-575-9617 in Portland, Oregon, or 866-605-1906 toll free, or contact Baker Law online. Baker Law takes cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning attorney fees aren’t paid unless you get a recovery.